Hubie would like to sign up to play baseball for the year. Hubie went to bed and started dreaming. when he woke up Hubie was ready to play baseball. Hubie practiced batting with a broom against the wall every single day. Hubie needed a new mitt in the story. Hubie begged and Hubie's mom said "Okay." Hubie went to Sports World. Hubie finds a mitt thatis perfect. Hubie goes back to his house. Hubie gets his pajamas on and puts the mitt on the dresser and starts dreaming. After Hubie wakes up from his dream he looks to see if the mitt is still there. Hubie has named the mitt Grabber.
Does Hubie get to play baseball? Does he make the team? Read Little League From the Black Lagoon to find out.
This book was reviewed by Ava M- Mrs. Silver's 2nd grade class
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