Saturday, March 12, 2011

Honus and Me by Dan Gutman

Joe Stoshak loves baseball. The only problem is he can't play that well. One day his mom gets him a one day job. He cleans up Ms. Young's attic. Ms. Young is Joe's neighbor. Joe is up to his last box, but then it drops. He can't believe his eyes. The rarest baseball cars in the world is on the ground!

He doesn't know what to do. His parents are divorced because of money. They are poor. He decides to take the card. Hoe puts the card in his backpack. Whenever Joe touches a baseball card he gets a tingling sensation.

When Joe got to his house, he went to his room. That night he heard somebody in his room. He opened his eyes. What did he see? Read this book to find out what happens....

I think people who like baseball and fiction should read this book.

This book was reviewed by Trevor C. a 2nd grader in Mrs. Silver's class.

Thanks to Trevor for reading and reviewing this book.

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